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Dividend payment for the fiscal year of 2019

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Management Board of Warimpex has decided to postpone the Annual General Meeting, which was originally planned for 20 May 2020. The Annual General Meeting was re-scheduled and now took place in Vienna on 5 October – of course under careful observance of all hygiene and safety measures given by the authorities and recommended by experts to minimise the risk of infection with the coronavirus.

 As stated earlier this year, the Management Board has proposed a dividend payment in the amount of EUR 0.03 per share to the Supervisory Board. After the Supervisory Board followed this proposal, the dividend payment was unanimously approved at the Annual General Meeting. The dividend payment is based on the best result in the company's history last year, a stable development of our office assets, and successful refinancing of projects. This goes along with our dividend-strategy to propose a dividend if possible, without negatively affecting the company and, last but not least, Warimpex sees that a dividend is the reward for the shareholders’ trust in the company.



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