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After some time with many restrictions, we are happy to be back and show flag representing Warimpex at Europe’s most important real estate fairs again. On 7 and 8 September, the MIPIM took place in Cannes. Of course, the event could only be held in compliance with the specified hygiene and protection standards, which Warimpex also fully supports. Founded in 1990, MIPIM is the real estate event where the most influential players from all sectors of the international real estate industry meet. It brings together the entire value chain and offers unrivalled access to the largest number of development projects and sources of capital worldwide. Furthermore, MIPIM is a unique exhibition and networking platform. Networking was a particular focus this year and we seized the opportunity to meet some of our long-standing partners in person again and, of course, got an insight into the future of the industry.


Meet us at EXPO REAL!

From 11 to 13 October the international real estate fair EXPO REAL will take place in Munich, and we are looking forward to being part of it, meeting both long-time customers and partners as well as making new contacts. You will find us in Hall A1 "Europa Mitte" at booth number 110.


Also, a bunch of start-ups will be there presenting new innovative technologies around products and solutions, services and ideas for the real estate industry. “By sharing current developments and challenges, we keep up with the rapid pace of innovation in the real estate industry. Such events enable us to optimise our work at the best possible through new input. We look forward to seeing you there and to have some interesting discussions”, says Christoph Salzer, Senior VP M&A, Managing Director Germany. “Of course, the highest Corona protection measures apply at the fair, which we also welcome very much.”


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