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ESG partnership with Sberbank

Sberbank has signed a strategic partnership agreement with Warimpex. The document has been signed by the Chairman of North-West Bank of Sberbank, Viktor Ventimilla Alonso, and the Chairman of the Board of Warimpex, Franz Jurkowitsch, at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum back in June. The key area of partnership is defined in the field of sustainable development and ecology, including issues on specialized “green” and ESG products and services

“Sberbank has a strong interest in supporting ESG projects. Last year we signed a deal to finance the construction of Avior Tower-1 business center, which is being built according to the ‘Green development’ strategy and is a part of AIRPORTCITY St. Petersburg multifunctional complex. This is one of the few projects in Northwestern Federal District, which is designed considering resource-saving technologies and environmentally friendly solutions that reduce operating costs,” said Victor Ventimilla Alonso.

“Warimpex always pays special attention to environmental performance of real estate objects when designing office buildings and hotels. We are pleased that the construction of Avior Tower-1 business center is being carried out jointly with our long-term partner Sberbank PJSC. We are delighted to continue our good cooperation in the future, especially in regard to ESG projects,” commented Franz Jurkowitsch.


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