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Local artists at Cowork by Memos: Veronica Taussig
For the last time this year, we showcase the talented artists who bring creative energy to our Cowork by Memos locations. Today, we highlight Veronica Taussig, an exceptional artist whose vibrant works transform the spaces they inhabit. Her art can be experienced firsthand at the Ogrodowa Office in Łódź, where her colorful and organic designs enhance both the outdoor and interior spaces.
Warimpex in Kraków: A Story of Growth and Innovation
Warimpex has a rich history in Kraków, marked by continuous investment and development in the city’s real estate market since 2006. Over the years, the company has successfully developed numerous projects, with five completed to date and more currently in development. On this journey, Warimpex has transitioned from a primary focus on hospitality to specializing in office property development, underscoring Kraków's importance as a key market for Warimpex. But what is it about this city that aligns so perfectly with Warimpex?
Local artists at Cowork by Memos: Maciej Walczak
This quarter, we continue to highlight the work of local artists featured at our Cowork by Memos locations. Today, we would like to introduce Maciej Walczak, whose unique artistic style decorates many of the interiors at Warimpex and Memos buildings, making it a signature feature of our coworking spaces.
Developments at Warimpex: Project Updates
This quarter, we are pleased to share recent developments from four key projects in our portfolio. From expanding coworking spaces to obtaining important certifications, these updates reflect our ongoing efforts to adapt to market needs and enhance our properties.
4 questions to: Andreas Schiller
In every newsletter we highlight a person or institution related to Warimpex, or one of its topics, by asking
relevant questions. This time, Andreas Schiller, journalist and publisher on real estate developments, shares
insights from his extensive experience with Warimpex and reflects on changes and emerging trends in the
property sector.
4 questions for: Anna Olszyńska
In every newsletter we highlight a person or institution related to Warimpex, by asking 4 questions. This time, Anna Olszyńska is taking us back 15 years, to the beginning of one of the biggest projects for Warimpex: andel’s Hotel Łódź.
Business in Harmony with ESG
In March, Warimpex organised an ESG event at the Ogrodowa Office to discuss the current changes and challenges in the context of ESG.
Red Tower BREEAM certificate
The Red Tower, an office building in Łódź that has been on the city's map since the 1970s and has been owned by Warimpex since June 2022, has obtained a BREEAM environmental certification. The certificate is proof that the measures taken by Warimpex have contributed to the investment's compliance with the high requirements for sustainable development in construction.
Local Artists at Cowork by Memos: Gregor Gonsior
We want to give more insights into the work of different local artists at our Cowork by Memos locations. Today, we are introducing Gregor Gonsior, who created several sculptures and the typography for the Ogrodowa Office.
Introducing Local Artists at Cowork by Memos: Egon Fietke
This year we want to give more insight into the work of different local artists at our Cowork by Memos locations. For the Red Tower Office in Łódź, Egon Fietke created the work “Space Cowboy” on the second floor of the building.
Ogrodowa8 Office Art Gallery "Pop Up"
At the Ogrodowa8 Office the new art gallery "Pop Up" opened, where several art and culture events have already taken place in the last few months.
Flashback: 15 years andel’s Berlin
This month, andel’s Hotel Berlin is celebrating its 15th anniversary. Warimpex developed the core property in 2006, together with UBM, and officially opened in March 2009. In September 2015 they sold the Hotel to Union Investment Real Estate GmbH.
Palais Hansen Transaction
After holding an interest in the project company for Palais Hansen located on Vienna’s Ringstrasse boulevard for over ten years, Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG announces the sale of its 9.88 per cent stake to Wiener Städtische Versicherung, which now owns all 100% of the property. The sale was concluded together with the consortium partner UBM Development AG. The parties agreed that the purchase price would not be disclosed.
4 questions for: Urszula Tarasiewicz
In every newsletter we highlight a person or institution related to Warimpex, or one of its topics, by asking relevant questions. This time we are introducing Urszula Tarasiewicz, curator of the Ogrodowa8 Office Art Gallery Pop Up, which opened this year.
Darmstadt: New zoning for Warimpex office developments approved
In the German “city of science”, Darmstadt, Warimpex owns a hotel as well as property reserves in the “Telekom City”. The municipal assembly has approved the new zoning plan for the site, allowing the Austrian real estate development and investment company to develop office properties with a maximum of 77,500 square metres of space.
Mogilska 35 Offices in Kraków officially opened
Warimpex celebrated the opening of its third office building in Kraków, the Mogilska 35 Offices. The taxonomy-compliant property has 11,900 m² of space, is located in the immediate vicinity of the city centre and is named after its address on Mogilska Street. Mogilska 35 is already almost half let and also offers flexible coworking options.
InterContinental Hotel Warsaw’s 20th Anniversary
To celebrate its 20th anniversary, the InterContinental Warsaw hosted an anniversary gala.
4 questions for: Jerzy Krogulec
In every newsletter we highlight a person or institution related to Warimpex, or one of its topics, by asking relevant questions. This time Jerzy Krogulec, Managing Director of Warimpex Polska, is taking us back to the early days of the InterContinental Warsaw 20 years ago.
4 questions for: Dr. Josef Baumüller
In every newsletter we highlight a person or institution related to Warimpex, or one of its topics, by asking relevant questions. This time Dr. Josef Baumüller, lecturer at TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology) and WU Wien (Vienna University of Economics and Business), and an expert on sustainability reporting, is talking about the EU taxonomy, its necessity, implementation and whether or not it is a good tool to avoid greenwashing in companies.
A second coworking space has opened in the Red Tower office building in Łódź
Since 2022, the Red Tower office building has been offering coworking spaces, which are increasingly being used by remote or hybrid workers. The opportunity to rent workspace in a shared space has been so popular that the building's owner, Warimpex, has decided to expand the offer.
Intereko Energia with its headquarters in the Ogrodowa 8 Office building in Łódź, Poland
Intereko Energia has become a new tenant in the Ogrodowa 8 Office building. The company is a leader in sustainable waste management systems, and its distinguishing feature is its innovative approach to waste segregation and finding potential value in waste so that it can be returned to economic circulation.
Miele Experience Center in Łódź with a view of Poznański Palace
A new studio in Łódź has joined the Miele Experience Center network in Poland. It was built in the centre of the city, in the Ogrodowa 8 Office building, right next to some important places in Łódź, such as Piotrkowska Street, Manufaktura, and Poznański Palace - the seat of the Museum of the City of Łódź.
The greet Hotel Darmstadt has officially achieved the Green Key certification
After the purchase of the hotel in 2019 and the rebranding in 2021, Warimpex is now happy to announce that the greet hotel in Darmstadt, Germany, officially achieved the Green Key certification.
Warimpex at MIPIM 2023
From 14 to 17 March, the MIPIM took place in Cannes and Warimpex was happy to be represented at one of the world’s most important real estate events. In addition to interesting discussions about the latest trends and developments in the industry, Warimpex seized the opportunity to meet some long-standing partners and friends.
4 questions for: Andrzej Pudełko
In every newsletter we highlight a person or institution related to Warimpex, or one of its topics, by asking relevant questions. This time it is Andrzej Pudełko from Memos Coworking, talking about the benefits of the coworking concept and flexible office spaces.Warimpex offers coworking at Ogrodowa Office and Red Tower in Łódź and Mogilska 43 Office in Kraków.
Topping out ceremony at the Mogilska 35 Office building in Kraków
Warimpex announced that the structure of the Mogilska 35 Office building, located at 35 Mogilska Street in Kraków, has reached its maximum height. The moment was celebrated with a traditional topping out ceremony. The building's occupancy permit is expected to be issued in the summer of this year. Warimpex is in the process of negotiating the lease of office space in the building. OP Architekten are the designers of the office building.
Celebrating 15 years at the Vienna and Warsaw Stock Exchanges
It is the 15th anniversary of a milestone: In 2007 Warimpex went public and has been listed on the Prime Markets of the Vienna and Warsaw Stock Exchanges since then.
Warimpex generates positive result for the third quarter of 2021
The Warimpex Group achieved a solid operational performance in the first three quarters of 2021. The hotel segment in particular recovered in comparison to the previous year.
Acquisitions at AIRPORTCITY St. Petersburg
Following two acquisitions at the end of 2021, Warimpex now holds 100 per cent of AIRPORTCITY St. Petersburg including all of its buildings. The Group’s total portfolio of office properties has risen to over 100,000 square metres of lettable space. Furthermore, the Zeppelin office tower was awarded with a LEED Gold certification.
New letting at B52 Office in Budapest
At the B52 Office in Budapest we have concluded an additional lease for roughly 1,370 square metres of office space. The lease includes the entire sixth and seventh floors as well 190 square metres on the ground floor. The building is now fully occupied.
Construction start for Mogilska 35 Office in Krakow
The construction of another office building in the Polish city of Krakow, Mogilska 35 Office, with approximately 11,000 sqm of space has started. The completion date is set for the first half of 2023.
Warimpex half year results 2021
The Warimpex Group remained on solid financial footing in the first half of 2021, its operational performance is improving, and the development projects in the office segment are proceeding according to plan. The Group’s result for the period climbed into positive territory in the first half of 2021, rising from minus 21.7 million in the prior-year period to EUR 1.7 million.
4 questions for: Christoph Boschan
In every newsletter we highlight a person or institution related to Warimpex, or one of its topics, by asking relevant questions. This time it is Christoph Boschan, CEO of the Vienna Stock Exchange, which celebrates its 250th anniversary this year.
Finally, we can represent Warimpex and its development projects at Europe’s most important real estate fairs again.
Reopening of the “greet Hotel Darmstadt”
Warimpex acquired the hotel in 2019, refurbished and adapted it to the Accor brand “greet”, the first greet brand hotel in Northern Europe.
Health & Safety, as well as sustainability certifications, for two Warimpex office buildings in Poland
Cracow’s Mogilska 43 Office building and Łódź’s Ogrodowa Office building, which are part of Warimpex’s portfolio, have been certified according to WELL Health & Safety Rating and BREEAM In-use with “Excellent” rating.
ESG partnership with Sberbank
An ESG partnership agreement has been concluded between Warimpex and Sberbank at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in June.
Warimpex annual results 2020
The past year was dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic in both social and economic terms. For the Warimpex Group, the effects of the coronavirus crisis were primarily felt in the first half of 2020. Developments in the second half of the year were relatively stable by comparison.
Warimpex receives building permit for its office complex in Białystok
Warimpex has received a building permit for its office complex in Bohaterów Monte Cassino street in Białystok. As part of the project, buildings with a total area of 36,000 square metres will be built in several stages.
4 questions for: Karl Resel
In every newsletter we highlight a person or institution related to Warimpex, or one of its topics, by asking relevant questions. This time it is Karl Resel, Senior Manager at Denkstatt, the experts on environment and sustainability, on the EU-taxonomy-regulation.
Postponement of the Annual General Meeting
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Management Board of Warimpex has decided to postpone the Annual General Meeting, which was originally planned for 20 May 2021. September 14th was set as the new date.
Dividend payment for the fiscal year of 2019
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Annual General Meeting, which was originally planned for 20 May, had to be postponed and took place on October 5 in Vienna. At the Annual General Meeting, a dividend of 3 cents per share was agreed upon.
Office properties: Market insights by Andreas Ridder
In his commentary, Andreas Ridder, Chairman of CBRE Central & Eastern Europe, gives an insight into the current situation of office properties. He takes a look at what developments could await us in the future and why home office will not replace office properties in the long term.
GEWINN Messe 2020: Franz Jurkowitsch live on stage
The GEWINN Messe is one of the most famous events of the Austrian finance, real estate and investment industry. Due to the current situation, GEWINN Messe is taking place in a digital setting this year. On October 23rd there will be an opportunity to see Warimpex CEO Franz Jurkowitsch live on stage via free livestream.
Warimpex Q2 2020 results
Warimpex achieved a positive operating result (EBITDA) in the first half of 2020 despite losses in the hotel segment due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This can be attributed primarily to the earnings from the rental of office properties - this segment saw a 15 per cent increase in revenues compared with the prior-year period.
Warimpex 2020: Stable development expected
While last year was a record-breaking year, the market environment will be more challenging this year. However, Warimpex sees good reason to remain optimistic and we expect a successful and stable year.
Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG is on solid financial footing, even against the backdrop of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Current development projects are progressing according to plan. Still the concrete long-term effects are very difficult to predict in general.
Market Insights from Adam Pustelnik, Business Development Director of Savills Poland
In this newsletter, Adam Pustelnik, Business Development Director of Savills Poland, gives us some current market insight, as well as an outlook for the months to come.
Postponement of the Annual General Meeting
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Management Board of Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG has decided to postpone the Annual General Meeting, which was originally planned for 20 May 2020. A new date will be scheduled, and shareholders and the public will be notified in a timely manner.
Warimpex 2020: Stable development expected
While last year was a record-breaking year, the market environment will be more challenging this year. However, Warimpex sees good reason to remain optimistic and we expect a successful and stable year.
Review 2019: A record-breaking year
The past year turned out to be one of the most successful in company history. We have compiled an overview of the most important milestones for you.
Q3: Strongest quarterly results in company history
Following a solid first quarter and positive results for the first half of the year, Warimpex continued along its successful path in the third quarter of 2019, delivering the strongest quarterly results in the company’s history.
Warimpex 2019: Review of a successful year
The current year has been marked by numerous activities. Warimpex was able to continue its successful course in 2019. At the end of the year, we would like to give you an overview of the most important events.
City Portrait St. Petersburg
The city of St. Petersburg is the second largest city in Russia and the fourth largest in Europe. It is considered one of the most important economic and tourist centres in Russia. In our City Portrait we want to offer you more insights into this fascinating city in which Warimpex is developing the AIRPORTCITY St. Petersburg.
3 questions for: Eric Seiler
In every newsletter we highlight a person or institution related to Warimpex, or one of its topics, by asking three relevant questions. This time it is Eric Seiler with insights into St Petersburg.
Vienna House Dream Castle and Vienna House Magic Circus: Sale of Paris hotels completed
Warimpex has successfully closed the sale of the Vienna House Dream Castleand Vienna House Magic Circushotels at Disneyland® Paris to a 50/50 joint venture between UK-based private equity fund manager Benson Elliot Capital Management and Schroder Real Estate Hotels (formerly Algonquin).
Warimpex re-opens “The Hotel Darmstadt – soon to be greet”
After the acquisition of a former hotel property in the German city of Darmstadt in spring this year, Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG is pleased to announce the re-opening as “The Hotel Darmstadt – soon to be greet”. The eco-lifestyle conference hotel will be managed by Cycas Hospitality.
3 questions for: Lukas Hochedlinger, Managing Director of Central & Northern Europe & colleagues, Christie & Co
In every newsletter we highlight a person or institution related to Warimpex, or one of its topics, by asking three relevant questions. This time it is Lukas Hochedlinger, Managing Director of Central & Northern Europe & colleagues at Christie & Co with insights about the real-estate market in Germany.
Acquisition of additional stakes in AIRPORTCITY St. Petersburg completed
The acquisition of additional stakes in AIRPORTCITY St. Petersburg has been successfully completed in August. Warimpex now holds a stake of 90 per cent in AVIELEN, the project company responsible for the development and operation of AIRPORTCITY St. Petersburg.
Positive result for Q2 2019
Warimpex achieved a positive result for the first half-year 2019. The profit amounts to EUR 17.9 million.The positive development of business demonstrates the success of Warimpex´s business-strategy.
Positive result for Q1 2019
Warimpex started off the 2019 financial year with a positive result for the first quarter. The profit amounts to EUR 11.8 million.
Warimpex opens Mogilska Office in Kraków
After nearly 21 months of intensive works on the construction site, Mogilska Office in Kraków has been officially opened in May.
AIRPORTCITY St. Petersburg: Warimpex acquires additional stake
In May Warimpex announced the acquisition of a 35 per cent stake in the project company AO AVIELEN A.G. Following this acquisition, Warimpex holds a total stake of 90 per cent in AVIELEN, which is responsible for the development and operation of AIRPORTCITY St. Petersburg.
Results of the 33rd General Meeting
At the beginning of June 2019, the 33rdAnnual General Meeting of Warimpex took place in Vienna. Here you can find the most important results of the meeting.
3 questions for: Rafał Oprocha, Director of Southern Poland at Savills
In every newsletter we highlight a person or institution related to Warimpex, or one of its topics, by asking three relevant questions. This time it is Rafał Oprocha, Director at Savills, with insights about Kraków.
City portrait Kraków
In May Warimpex officially opened Mogilska Office in Kraków, the second largest city in Poland. Here you will find more information about the city on the upper Vistula.
Positive result for 2018
With a profit of EUR 1.9 million, the 2018 financial year was a transition year for Warimpex following the successful sale of eight hotel holdings in 2017.
Sale of Hotel Dvořák in Karlovy Vary
For Warimpex, the year 2019 started with the successful sale of the Hotel Dvořák in Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic to an international private investor.
Extension of Management Board appointments
In April 2019, the Supervisory Board of Warimpex approved the early extension of the Management Board appointments of Franz Jurkowitsch until December 2022 and Alexander Jurkowitsch until March 2024.
Warimpex acquires hotel property in Darmstadt
Warimpex has purchased a hotel property in the German city of Darmstadt. The transaction closed on the 24th of April 2019.
City portrait Darmstadt
The German city of Darmstadt is part of the Rhine-Main metropolitan region, which is one of the most economically powerful regions in the country.
A pioneer through the decades
In 2019 Warimpex is celebrating its 60-year anniversary. What once started as a trading company, specializing in barter trade with CEE, has now become a major real estate development and asset management firm in Central and Eastern Europe.
3 questions for: Liliana Nelska, actress and interpreter
In every newsletter we highlight a person or institution related to Warimpex, or one of its topics, by asking three relevant questions. This time it is Liliana Nelska, Austrian actress, interpreter and long-time companion of Warimpex on her relationship to the company.
Anniversary Video
On the occasion of the 60-year Anniversary of Warimpex, we proudly present our new video which summarizes the firm’s philosophy and success.
Good operational development dampened by weak rouble
Franz Jurkowitsch on the current status and activities of the first three quarters of 2018.
3 questions for: Tomasz Bardziłowski
In every newsletter we highlight a person or institution related to Warimpex, or one of its topics, by asking three relevant questions. This time it is Tomasz Bardziłowski, Managing Director of Vestor Dom Maklerski S.A., on the market and stock exchange development in Poland.
Topping-out ceremony for Mogilska Office in Krakow
In the beginning of November, the construction of Mogilska Office in Krakow has reached its highest point. This occasion was traditionally celebrated with a topping-out ceremony.
Warimpex decided on Share Buyback Programme
On 19 November 2018, the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of Warimpex decided to carry out a buyback programme for own shares.
Focus on growth and building up property portfolio
Franz Jurkowitsch on the results and activities of the first half year of 2018.
3 questions for: Martin Thom and colleagues
In every Warimpex newsletter we highlight a person or institution related to Warimpex, or one of its topics, by asking three relevant questions. This time it is Martin Thom, Senior Director with CBRE, and his colleagues on the market development in CEE and Russia.
Close-up: Vienna House Dream Castle & Vienna House Magic Circus
The two 4-star hotels are located right at Disneyland® Paris making them the perfect destination to either explore the famous leisure park, the beautiful wine-growing region of Champagne, the city of Reims with its renowned Notre-Dame Cathedral, the centre of Paris or for meetings and conferences in a spaceful and green environment.
Ogrodowa Office in Łódź is now open
On 4 October Warimpex officially opened Ogrodowa Office, a modern office building in the centre of Łódź, located in the vicinity of the shopping centre Manufaktura and Vienna House Andel’s Łódź.
Slight minus due to partial portfolio sale
Franz Jurkowitsch on the Q1 results 2018, the company’s growth strategy as well as the outlook for the rest of the financial year.
3 questions for: Jerzy Krogulec
In every Warimpex newsletter we will highlight a person or institution related to Warimpex, or one of its topics, by asking three relevant questions. This time it is Jerzy Krogulec, Chief Executive Officer Warsaw at Warimpex, on the development of the Ogrodowa Office in Łódź.
Close-up: Ogrodowa Office
Construction is progressing nicely for the Ogrodowa office building in the Polish city of Łódź. An LOI for 40 % of the office space has already been signed. The opening is expected for the second quarter of 2018.
New office building in the Warimpex portfolio
In April Warimpex signed a purchase agreement for the fully let B52 Office building in Budapest. The closing of the transaction is expected for the end of the second quarter 2018.
"It's about continuity"
At the beginning of 2018, Georg Folian resigned as CFO and Deputy CEO of Warimpex. He has been a leader in the company for 46 years. We talked about his past at Warimpex and his current activities.
3 questions for: Daniel Folian
In every newsletter, we will highlight a person or institution related to Warimpex or one of its topics by asking three questions. First up is Daniel Folian, CFO and Deputy CEO of Warimpex.
Close-up: Mogilska Office
In December 2017, Warimpex signed a long-term lease agreement for a significant part of the office space at Mogilska Office in Krakow.
Award for Warimpex
Warimpex was named Hotel Developer of the Year 2017 at EuropaProperty's 7th Annual CEE Investment Awards & Green Building Awards Gala held in Warsaw.