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Mogilska 35 Offices in Kraków officially opened

© MogilskaOffice4

Warimpex celebrated the opening of its third office building in Kraków, the Mogilska 35 Office. The taxonomy-compliant property has 11,900 m² of space, is located in the immediate vicinity of the city centre and is named after its address on Mogilska Street. There are also Warimpex office buildings at numbers 41 and 43, which have been very well received and are fully occupied. Mogilska 35 is already almost half-let and also offers flexible coworking options with the now fourth Cowork by Memos space. 

"We are confident that the capacities of this building will soon be fully utilized. Kraków is the second largest city in Poland. Companies particularly appreciate the location, and site conditions here. It is currently the largest regional office market in Poland and therefore an important development location for Warimpex," says Franz Jurkowitsch, CEO of Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG.


Focus on sustainability

Mogilska 35 is a class A office building with 11,900 m² of net usable space. A total of six floors meet the highest standards in terms of sustainable design and ecological construction. The centrally located building has excellent connections to both public and private transport and is just a few minutes walking distance from the city centre. The project was designed by the locally based architectural firm OP Architekten and received the BREEAM certification at level "Excellent". It is classified as compliant in terms of the EU Taxonomy Regulation. Due to its low primary energy demand, Mogilska 35 is among the top 15 percent of all buildings constructed in Poland after 1 January, 2021, based on indicators published by the Polish Ministry of Development.


Flexible working environments by Memos

With Cowork by Memos, a Warimpex company, there is also a provider of flexible office space located in Mogilska 35, occupying around 750 m². This is already the fourth Memos coworking space in Poland: Other locations are in Łódź, in the Ogrodowa 8 Office and Red Tower buildings, as well as in Kraków, in the Mogilska 43 Office.


© Memos Sp. z o.o.
© Memos Sp. z o.o.
© Memos Sp. z o.o.


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