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Intereko Energia with its headquarters in the Ogrodowa 8 Office building in Łódź, Poland

Intereko Energia has been providing specialised services in the field of post-manufacturing and industrial waste management for many years. Experience allows the company's experts to create tailored, sustainable and innovative waste management systems; on the engineering, service, and consulting side. Looking for the hidden value of waste and returning it to the economic cycle allows the company to pursue its ambitious goal of creating a better and cleaner world. Indeed, the company's projects are carried out not only in Poland and Europe, but also in remote corners of the world where environmental awareness is much less developed, such as on the African and Asian continents.

The new tenant's headquarters will be ready in a few weeks, but the company was able to already move into the Ogrodowa 8 Office building. Until their offices are handed over, the Intereko Energia team is using space at Cowork by Memos, a flex space operator based in the building. Users of Ogrodowa8 Cowork have the necessary technical and IT infrastructure at their disposal, as well as reception facilities, a variety of work and meeting spaces, and a dining and chill-out area.


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